1. “Time.” We all get time. Some of us can even prolong our life by making good choices about our health and lifestyle.
  2. “Nothing.” I know of one thing; see below.
  3. “Someone who admits you’re right.” Plenty of people can get this. It’s called a cult in the rough form, or a really good debate in the better.
  4. “The truth.” We can get ‘subjective’ truth, by definition.
  5. “The knowledge of the purpose to life.” The purpose of life does not appear to be a form of knowledge; even if we discovered why we exist, it would not likely serve as a satisfactory life purpose. Rather, a purpose is a form of motivation that some people can get.
  6. “Satisfaction.” Plenty of people are satisfied with simple things. The philosophy of minimalism was built on the idea that satisfaction is not something that you get at all, but rather that it is something that you make.
  7. “Perfection.” Perfection as a human trait is defined subjectively, so to some, others may seem perfect. Moreover, instantaneous perfection is very attainable; the human condition merely gives us great difficulty in maintaining perfection.
  8. “Answers.” You’re getting one right now.
  9. “Everything.” It’s true that nobody can get everything, but as mentioned earlier not everybody wants everything.
  10. “Love.” Love is, like perfection, subjectively defined, but difficult to maintain. Nonetheless, there are plenty of people who still get it.
  11. “Eternality or infinite longevity.” Not everyone wants this; many even think that it would be torturous to live forever.
  12. “Trust.” It’s out there, but it isn’t free.


Chapisha Maoni

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